As modernity ushers into human world, life has seen changes connoting to changing definations of personal, new forms of relationship, creation of remixed society - whereby associations and even the family is no longer based on neighbours and parents. A new age of Love has flowered in our Mental World- Love of an organism to attribute is old but Love of a human to many many attributes is new. Notice the world as a lover. People have started loving institutions more than individuals, Lifestyle more than a life, Characters of a being more than the being with a character, devouring new subtleties rather a homely association. Its the multifaceted growth of human one sees - complex yet endless choices. Hence no single human fills all. So where does Worship fit in! Worship is the feeling or expression of reverence or adoration (for a deity). Though for a deity is perceived as idol or supernotion of god or conceived picture, but is it so! A Deity from ancient times is the source of powe...