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Showing posts from April, 2017


4/13/2017 Jeerwah, Kashmir “A perfect sunny day” thought captain sandeep as he yawned his sleep out. The warming sun is always a delight among the living in the chilly heaven on earth. It was a polling day - a bye election & captain along with his 30 men were to protect and assist 12 men and 3 women officers of election commision with the process. The captain was watching birds chirp in the orchards dotting the valley when a nearby mosque submitted to Azaan. Allah hu Ak’bar ….. “Sasyakaal Sirji, the civilian officers have set up the campus” hawaldar Rampal “Good we should expect heavy polling today. Afterall shiekh has been roaring against AFSPA” Rampal nods. A fear clearly reflects his thoughts. “ Don’t worry, they all do it for money. If we remove AFSPA, Shiekh will be running to delhi.” The captain signalled to get ready and left for an inspection of local mood. Kashmir is a complex place today. Locals smile and greet ‘salaam walaikum’ even to soldiers...